Common to Device
Device type
Type | Value(HEX) |
Inverter | 0x0200 |
Env-monitor | 0x0300 |
Smart meter | 0x0400 |
Combining manifolds | 0x0500 |
Camera | 0x0600 |
battery | 0x0700 |
charger | 0x0800 |
Energy storage | 0x0900 |
Anti islanding device | 0x0A00 |
Micro inverter | 0x0B00 |
New smart meter | 0x0C00 |
Tracking bracket | 0x0D00 |
Water pump | 0x0E00 |
UPS | 0x0F00 |
Street lamp | 0x1000 |
Important Device parameters
Important parameters refer to the strong business attributes of a certain type of Device The most common ones, such as inverters Current output active power, Today's electricity generation, Accumulated power generation.
The important parameters of a certain type of Device are universal, but there are still exceptions Some Inverter Device protocols may not haveToday's electricity generation.
Some important parameters may be applicable to different Device types, such as output active power are suitable for both inverters and Energy storage
The important parameters of a specific Device protocol can be queried through the device important parameter list interface.
The following table lists some important parameters with universality and their descriptions
Parameter | Description |
OUTPUT_POWER | Output active power, mainly applicable to Inverter and Energy storage |
ENERGY_TODAY | Current day (active) power generation, mainly applicable to Inverter and Energy storage |
ENERGY_TOTAL | Accumulated (active) power generation, mainly applicable to Inverter and Energy storage |
WIND_SPEED | Wind speed, mainly suitable for Env-monitor |
WIND_DIRECTION | wind direction, mainly suitable for Env-monitor |
TEMP | ambient temperature, mainly suitable for Env-monitor |
RADIATION | Irradiation intensity, mainly suitable for Env-monitor |
BTEMP | Battery Board Backboard Temperature, mainly suitable for Env-monitor |
ACTIVE_ENERGY | Active Energy, mainly suitable for smart meter |
REACTIVE_ENERGY | Reactive Energy, mainly suitable for smart meter |
ACTIVE_POWER | Active power, mainly suitable for smart meter and Anti islanding device |
REACTIVE_POWER | Reactive power, mainly suitable for smart meter and Anti islanding device |
APPARENT_POWER | Apparent power |
BATTERY_SOC | Remaining battery capacity (percentage), mainly applicable to batteries (Group/Package) |
TOTAL_OUTPUT_POWERE | Total output active power, mainly applicable to Combining manifolds |
TOTAL_INPUT_POWERE | Total input active power, mainly applicable to Combining manifolds |
LOAD_APPARENT_POWER | Load apparent power, mainly using Energy storage |
APPARENT_POWER | grid connection apparent power, mainly using Energy storage |
CHARGE_ENERGY_TO_BATTER | Daily charging, mainly using Energy storage |
CHARGE_ENERGY_FROM_BATTER | Daily discharge, mainly using Energy storage |
E_LOAD_TOTAL | Total power consumption of the load, mainly using Energy storage |
E_GRIDIN_TOTAL | Total electricity consumption for grid connection, mainly using Energy storage |
GRID_ACTIVE_POWER | Active power of the power grid, mainly using Energy storage |
LOAD_ACTIVE_POWER | Load active power, mainly using Energy storage |
BATTERY_ACTIVE_POWER | Battery power, mainly using Energy storage |
PV_OUTPUT_POWER | PV power, mainly using Energy storage |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TOTAL_DISCHARGE | Total battery discharge, mainly using Energy storage |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TOTAL_CHARGE | Total battery charging capacity, mainly using Energy storage |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TOTAL_DISCHARGE | Total battery discharge capacity |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TOTAL_CHARGE | Total battery charging capacity |
LOAD_ENERGY_TOTAL | Total Electricity consumption of the load, mainly using Energy storage |
LOAD_ENERGY_TODAY | Daily Electricity consumption of load |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TODAY_DISCHARGE | Daily battery discharge capacity |
BATTERY_ENERGY_TODAY_CHARGE | Daily battery charging capacity |
ENERGY_TODAY_TO_GRID | Daily grid connected electricity, mainly using Energy storage |
ENERGY_TODAY_FROM_GRID | Daily electricity consumption of the power grid, mainly using Energy storage |