Query the electricity generation revenue and energy conservation and emission reduction of all Plant on a certain day

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=7f220b6f21d0b52d0452d9c66ffe1f4f84635b81&salt=2337424845041575962&token=91a6c87e89acbfb2fa482f3b02ee071ee58ea0293dd92f243a88ee51415f497f&action=queryPlantsProfitOneDay&date=2017-06-22&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryPlantsProfitOneDay True
date Date to query, format: yyyy-mm-dd, The date is considered to be the time zone where each Plant is located,If this parameter is not passed, it will be defaulted to today False
page Paging processing, page number, starting from 0. If this parameter is not passed, it is defaulted to 0 False
pagesize Paging processing, with 1 to 50 records per page. If this parameter is not passed, it defaults to 1 False


Parameter Description Required
total Total number of power stations True
page Paging processing, which page True
pagesize Paging processing, number of stations per page True
plant[x].pid Plant id True
plant[x].energy Power generation, Standardized units True
plant[x].profit Generation revenue True
plant[x].currency Monetary unit of electricity generation revenue, such as¥ True
plant[x].coal Energy Saving Standard Coal, Standardized units True
plant[x].co2 Power generation reduction CO2 emissions , Standardized units True
plant[x].so2 Power generation reduction SO2 emissions , Standardized units True

Possible errors:

Response error code Description Derails
0x0104 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PLANT Unable to find Plant
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