Query device status

The possible states of the Device are shown in the table below:

Status Value(HEX) Description
DEVICE_STATUS_ONLINE 0x00 Online, normal operation
DEVICE_STATUS_OFFLINE 0x01 Offline, either the Datalogger attached to the Device is offline, or the Device itself is offline (the Datalogger cannot obtain data from the Device)
DEVICE_STATUS_FAULT 0x02 Fault, the Device has a fault level alarm or some registers or fields indicate that the Device is running in a fault state
DEVICE_STATUS_STANDBY 0x03 Standby, some registers or fields indicate that the Device is running in standby mode
DEVICE_STATUS_WARNING 0x04 Alarm, the Device has experienced a warning level alarm or some registers or fields indicate that the device is running in an alarm state
DEVICE_STATUS_ERROR 0x05 Error, the Device has encountered an error level alarm or some registers or fields indicate that the Device is running in an error state
DEVICE_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERROR 0x06 Protocol error, the message collected by the Datalogger from the Device does not match the protocol

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=7f220b6f21d0b52d0452d9c66ffe1f4f84635b81&salt=2337424845041575962&token=91a6c87e89acbfb2fa482f3b02ee071ee58ea0293dd92f243a88ee51415f497f&action=queryDeviceStatus&device=COLLECTOR0001,512,1,687489900018;COLLECTOR0002,512,2,687489900019&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryDeviceStatus True
device Datalogger number, Device protocol code, Device address (485 bus), Device serial number(pn,devcode,devaddr,sn), multiple numbers separated by ';', up to 256 at a time True


Parameter Description Required
device[x].pn Datalogger number True
device[x].devcode Device protocol code True
device[x].devaddr Device address (485 bus) True
device[x].sn Device serial number True
device[x].status Device status True

It should be noted that interfaces fail quickly: that is, if a Device information is considered to be malformed, the interface will immediately return an error Additionally, the order of returned devices may differ from the order passed during the query


Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter error
0x0007 ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER Missing necessary parameters
0x000C ERR_NO_RECORD No record (the Device has no data)
0x0102 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE Device not found
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