Query the number of Device alarms in all Plant

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=7f220b6f21d0b52d0452d9c66ffe1f4f84635b81&salt=2337424845041575962&token=91a6c87e89acbfb2fa482f3b02ee071ee58ea0293dd92f243a88ee51415f497f&action=queryPlantsWarningCount&level=0&handle=true&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryPlantsWarningCount True
devtype Device type False
level Alarm level, If this parameter is not passed, it indicates that you do not care False
handle Has it been processed, true? Processed: Not processed. If this parameter is not passed, it indicates that you do not care False
plantid Plant id,Query a certain Plant (single query) False
pname Plant name (single query) False
province Query province(single query) False
city Query city(single query) False
county Query county(single query)) False
town Query town(single query) False
sdate Starting time(Zero time zone, as the time zone of each Plant may vary, is uniformly used as the standard here), format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss, If this parameter is not passed, it indicates that you do not care False
edate Ending time(Zero time zone), format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss, If this parameter is not passed, it indicates that you do not care, use semi open intervals when querying, like sdate <= date < edate False


Parameter Description Required
count Number of alarms True
       "count": 0

Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter error
0x0104 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PLANT Unable to find Plant
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