Query the data details of a Device on a certain day (pagination)

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=45a0317337cad1b975b7cc8e6ae35401daa5c356&salt=6799118618252297881&token=5b13e18eaa179d4bdce4cf2cc0e66eaa506c7f27ccac6b9e7beaa190ec0e386f&action=queryDeviceDataOneDayPaging&i18n=zh_CN&pn=J1817101731142&devcode=752&devaddr=1&sn=687484400018&date=2017-04-05&page=0&pagesize=10&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryDeviceDataOneDayPaging True
i18n Internationalized language, refer to Multi-Language Support True
pn Datalogger number True
devcode Device protocol encoding True
devaddr Device address (485 bus) True
sn Device serial number True
date Date to query, format: yyyy-mm-dd, Date is considered as the time zone where the Device is located, If this parameter is not passed, it will be defaulted to today False
page Paging processing, page number, starting from 0. If this parameter is not passed, it is defaulted to 0 False
pagesize Paging processing, with 1 to 50 records per page. If this parameter is not passed, it defaults to 1 False


Parameter Description Required
total Total number of data records for the day True
page Paging processing, which page True
pagesize Paging processing, number of records per page True
title[x].title Name of the device protocol field True
title[x].unit The unit of the device protocol field. Some fields have units, such as the power output unit W of the Inverter, while others may not have units, such as the serial number False
row[x].realtime Is this data real-time? True represents real-time data, and false represents historical data True
row[x].filed[y] The value of the device protocol field, title. size() is always equal to row [x]. file. size(), and they correspond one-to-one True

In particular, it should be noted that row [x]. filed [0], row [x]. filed [1] always represents the unique identifier of the current data row and the timestamp of the time when the data occurred (in the device's time zone). The timestamp format is yyyy mm dd hh: mi: ss.

                    "2017-04-05 11:06:40",

Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter error
0x000C ERR_NO_RECORD No record (the Device has no data)
0x0102 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE Device not found
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