Query Datalogger information

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=7f220b6f21d0b52d0452d9c66ffe1f4f84635b81&salt=2337424845041575962&token=91a6c87e89acbfb2fa482f3b02ee071ee58ea0293dd92f243a88ee51415f497f&action=queryCollectorInfo&pn=COLLECTOR0001,COLLECTOR0002&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryCollectorInfo True
pn Number of Dataloggers, separated by ',' , up to 256 at a time True


Parameter Description Required
collector[x].pn Datalogger number True
collector[x].alias Datalogger alias False
collector[x].datFetch Datalogger frequency (seconds) True
collector[x].timezone The working time zone of the Datalogger (relative to the number of seconds in the zero time zone) True
collector[x].load The carrying capacity of the Datalogger True
collector[x].status Datalogger status, refer to Device status True
collector[x].uid Owner ID of the Plant to which the Datalogger belongs, The Datalogger may not belong to any Plant owner False
collector[x].pid ID of the Plant to which the Datalogger belongs, The Datalogger may not belong to any Plant False
collector[x].gprs.ccid GPRS-CCID, Only valid when the Datalogger is of GPRS type False
collector[x].gprs.card GPRS-CARD, Only valid when the Datalogger is of GPRS type False
collector[x].gprs.imsi GPRS-IMSI, Only valid when the Datalogger is of GPRS type False

It should be noted that interfaces fail quickly: that is, if a data Datalogger is considered incorrect, the interface will immediately return an error

Additionally, the order of the returned Dataloggers may differ from the order passed during the query


Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter error
0x0007 ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER Missing necessary parameters (incoming parameters may be empty)
0x0101 ERR_NOT_FOUND_COLLECTOR Unable to find Datalogger
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