Query Plant information

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=45a0317337cad1b975b7cc8e6ae35401daa5c356&salt=6799118618252297881&token=5b13e18eaa179d4bdce4cf2cc0e66eaa506c7f27ccac6b9e7beaa190ec0e386f&action=queryPlantInfo&plantid=1&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action queryPlantInfo True
plantid Plant id True


Parameter Description Required
pid Plants id True
uid Owner id True
name Plant name True
status Plant status True
address.energyOffset Power station offset, please refer to the interface for modifying the power station offset editPlantEnergyOffset True
address.country Plant address,country False
address.province Plant address,province False
address.city Plant address,city False
address.county Plant address,county False
address.town Plant address,township (district) False
address.village Plant address,village (street) False
address.address Plant address,detailed address False
address.lon Plant address, Longitude, Standardized units False
address.lat Plant address, latitude, Standardized units False
address.timezone Plant address, Time zone (seconds),such as East Zone 8: 2880 True
profit.unitProfit Plant revenue, revenue per kWh of electricity generated False
profit.currency Plant revenue, currency symbol False
profit.currencyCountry Plant revenue, ISO Currency symbol (country) False
profit.coal Plant revenue, Save standard coal per kWh of power generation, Standardized units Fasle
profit.co2 Plant revenue, CO2 reduction per kWh of power generation, Standardized units False
profit.so2 Plant revenue, SO2 reduction per kWh of power generation, Standardized units False
nominalPower Design power of Plant, Standardized units False
energyYearEstimate Annual planned power generation of the Plant, Standardized units False
designCompany Plant design manufacturer False
picBig Picture of the Plant, big picture False
picSmall Picture of the Plant, small picture False
install Installation date of the Plant, format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss, Plant Time Zone True
gts The date on which the Plant was generated on the platform, format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss, Plant Time Zone True

The possible power Plant status are shown in the table below:

Status Value(HEX) Describe
        "install":"2017-06-29 02:09:18",
        "gts":"2017-06-29 02:09:18"

Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter error
0x0104 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PLANT Unable to find the Plant
0x000B ERR_NO_PERMISSION No permission (the user does not have permission to operate the Plant)
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