Universal error code

code(HEX) Description illustrate
0x0000 ERR_NONE Normal, no errors
0x0001 ERR_FAIL fail
0x0002 ERR_TIMEOUT timeout
0x0003 ERR_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION System abnormality
0x0004 ERR_SIGN Signature that cannot be verified
0x0005 ERR_SALT Salt value error, not used according to rules
0x0006 ERR_FORMAT_ERROR Parameter format error
0x0007 ERR_MISSING_PARAMETER Missing necessary parameters
0x0008 ERR_FORBIDDEN Platform Reject
0x0009 ERR_UNSUPPORTED Operation not supported
0x000A ERR_NO_AUTH Not certified
0x000B ERR_NO_PERMISSION Unauthorized operations
0x000C ERR_NO_RECORD No record
0x000D ERR_OVER_LIMITED Exceeds Limit
0x000E ERR_DUPLICATE_OPER Repetitive operation
0x000F ERR_NOT_FOUND_COMPANY_KEY No manufacturer key found
0x0010 ERR_PASSWORD_VERIF_FAIL Password verification failed
0x0011 ERR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR Password format error
0x0012 ERR_MOBILE_BINDED The phone number has already been bound
0x0013 ERR_MOBILE_FORMAT Phone number format error
0x0014 ERR_EMAIL_FORMAT Email format error
0x0015 ERR_USRNAME_FORMAT Username format error
0x0016 ERR_COMPANY_NAME_FORMAT Company name format error
0x0017 ERR_VCODE_INVALID Invalid manufacturer code
0x0018 ERR_USR_NAME_DUPLICATE repeat of username
0x0019 ERR_USR_DISABLED Account frozen
0x0100 ERR_NOT_FOUND_API Unable to find the API to call
0x0101 ERR_NOT_FOUND_COLLECTOR Unable to find Datalogger
0x0102 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE Unable to find Device
0x0103 ERR_INVALID_PN invalid Datalogger code
0x0104 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PLANT Unable to find Plants
0x0105 ERR_NOT_FOUND_USR Unable to find user
0x0106 ERR_DEVICE_OFFLINE Device is offline
0x0107 ERR_COLLECTOR_OFFLINE Datalogger is offline
0x0108 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE_WARNING Unable to find the Devices alarm
0x0109 ERR_NOT_FOUND_ENVMONITOR Unable to find the Environmental detector
0x010F ERR_NONE_OPERATION No modification operations
0x0110 ERR_DUPLICATE_OPER_BIND Duplicate binding
0x0111 ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_ADD_OTHER_VCODE_COLLECTOR Adding Datalogger from other manufacturers is not supported
0x0112 ERR_USR_BIND_WX_BIND The account has been bound to WeChat
0x0113 ERR_NOT_BIND_WX Account not bound to WeChat
0x0114 ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_MOVE_OTHER_VCODE_COLLECTOR_PLANTOWNER Owners of Plants containing Datalogger from other manufacturers do not support mobile devices
0x0115 ERR_NOT_FOUND_VENDOR Unable to find manufacturer
0x0120 ERR_NOT_FOUND_CAMERA Unable to find camera
0x0160 ERR_NOT_FOUND_FIREWARE Unable to find Firmware
0x0161 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PROTOCOL Protocol not found
0x0170 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEFINEDROLE Role not found
0x0171 ERR_NOT_FOUND_USR_GROUP Unable to find user group
0x0172 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PLANT_GROUP Unable to find Plants group
0x0173 ERR_NOT_FOUND_GPRS_TARIFFPACKAGE Unable to find GPRS traffic recharge package
0x0174 ERR_NOT_FOUND_RECHARGE_ORDER Unable to find GPRS traffic recharge order
0x0180 ERR_NOT_FOUND_SMSCODE Unable to find SMS verification code
0x0181 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE_TOKEN device_token not found
0x0182 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEVICE_CFG Unable to find Device configuration information
0x0183 ERR_NOT_FOUND_COLLECTOR_TYPE Unable to find Datalogger type
0x0184 ERR_NOT_FOUND_PERMISSION_GROUP Unable to find permission group
0x0185 ERR_NOT_SETTING_LONLAT No latitude and longitude set
0x0200 ERR_SMSCODE_DISMATCH SMS verification code mismatch
0x0201 ERR_SMSCODE_OVERTIME SMS verification code timeout
0x0202 ERR_MOBILE_UNBINDED Phone number not bound
0x0203 ERR_MOBILE_UNMATCH Phone number mismatch
0x0204 ERR_NAME_DUPLICATE Duplicate name
0x0205 ERR_COLLECOTR_ISNOT_EMPTY There are still Datalogger under the user or Plants
0x0206 ERR_SUBUSR_ISNOT_EMPTY The user still has subordinate users
0x0207 ERR_USR_EXISTED User already exists
0x0208 ERR_PN_REGISTER The Datalogger number has been registered
0x0209 ERR_COLLECTOR_NOTBELONG_USR The Datalogger does not belong to this user
0x020A ERR_COLLECTOR_EXISTED Datalogger already exists
0x020B ERR_NOT_PLANTBROWSER Not a viewer account
0x020C ERR_SMSCODE_TO_SHORT The sending time of the SMS verification code is too short
0x0300 ERR_PROTOCOL_NOT_OPTION There are no optional fields in the protocol
0x0400 ERR_OLNY_SUPPORT_PLANTOWNER Only support Owners
0x0401 ERR_OLNY_SUPPORT_DIST Only support dealers
0x0402 ERR_OLNY_SUPPORT_VERDOR Only device manufacturers are supported
0x0403 ERR_SUPERIOR_DIST_VERDOR Superior users need to be dealers or Device manufacturers
0x0404 ERR_UNSUPPORTED_CHARGE_TYPE Unsupported recharge method
0x0405 ERR_DUPLICATE_PN Duplicate Datalogger number
0x0406 ERR_INVALID_GPRS_CARD Invalid GPRS card
0x0407 ERR_USR_NOT_CREATE_ADMIN User not created by administrator
0x0408 ERR_SUPPORT_DIST_VERDOR Only supports manufacturer accounts and dealers
0x0409 ERR_NOT_CONFIRM Not scanned code yet
0x0410 ERR_ACCEPT Scanned code, unconfirmed
0x0411 ERR_QR_KEY_INVALID The key has expired or cannot be found
0x0700 ERR_COLLECTORS_NOT_ONLY_BELONG_DIST Datalogger must belong to this dealer
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