Edit Dealer account

for example: http://api.shinemonitor.com/public/?sign=45a0317337cad1b975b7cc8e6ae35401daa5c356&salt=6799118618252297881&token=5b13e18eaa179d4bdce4cf2cc0e66eaa506c7f27ccac6b9e7beaa190ec0e386f&action=editDist&uid=1&email=b@b.com&source=0&_app_client_=android&_app_id_=com.demo.test&_app_version_=

Parameter Description Required
action editDist True
uid Dealer id True
pwd Password, encrypted by RC4 (SECRET, SHA-1 (PWD)) False
email Mail False
mobile Phone False
qname Nickname False
photo Avatar False
cname Company name False
ctel Comepany phone False
rid Custom Role ID False
desc Description False
vcode Dealer codes, multiple separated by ',' False
When all optional parameters are not passed, it means there is no need to modify them. Passing a null value means leaving the parameter blank, such as "&cname=", which can leave the company name blank

response: No text


Possible errors:

Response error code Description Details
0x0010 ERR_PASSWORD_VERIF_FAIL Password verification failed (encryption error)
0x0011 ERR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR Password format error
0x0013 ERR_MOBILE_FORMAT Phone number format error
0x0014 ERR_EMAIL_FORMAT Email format error
0x0015 ERR_USRNAME_FORMAT User name format error
0x0016 ERR_COMPANY_NAME_FORMAT Company name format error
0x0017 ERR_VCODE_INVALID Invalid manufacturer code
0x0018 ERR_USR_NAME_DUPLICATE repeat of user name
0x0170 ERR_NOT_FOUND_DEFINEDROLE Role not found
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